Nightwing's Haven

A Nightwing Resource

Hey and welcome to Nightwing's Haven A Nightwing Resource. Here you will see many things including lots of pics,info. on Nightwing himself,other bios and make sure you check it out!


3-7-04: back with new comics and I rented Batman: Rise of Sin Tzu..this game is what I expected it's alot of fun and action-packed..lovin' it!..Nightwing's gimmick was featured on Teen Titans in Jan.

4-28: new comics, Dick's old Robin gimmick used in Simpsons intro piece

5-5: I recently got Nightwing #90 from Books-A-Million and it's off the chain the fight b/t Dick and Shrike is pretty awesome!

11-11: Back and with HUGE news!..Nightwing's about to hit issue #100!..yay great job Mr. Grayson for getting this far and we expect #200 as well! comics for November as well!;)
Previews:11-5 Batman Rise of Sin Tzu is out now!..go get it! Batman: Rise of Sin Tzu

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Nightwing #99

Written by Devin Grayson; Art by Zach Howard and Andy Owens; cover by Scott McDaniel and Owens

Nightwing launches in a bold new direction! In this issue, Batman confronts Nightwing about Blockbuster's death...and Dick Grayson's role in the death of Blüdhaven's biggest baddie! And where does this leave the sultry-yet-venomous Tarantula?

DC Universe  |  32pg.  |  Color  |  $2.25 US

On Sale November 10, 2004

Outsiders #18

go to DCcomics for more Nightwing

2004 site started 7/12/02