
check out Nightwing's cool digs

here is Nightwing's current costume in this section I will explain the major parts of the costume and his weapons:

The Mask: His mask, containing an electronic transmitter/receiver and green night lenses, attaches via use of "spirit gum".

Escrima Sticks:
Located on the back of his costume are a pair of escrima sticks. These black, foot long, solid, cylinders are used as both offensive and defensive weapons.

Gauntlets: Each gauntlet's 8 sections can contain a wide array of equipment, such as: spare Nightarangs, lock pick, smoke pellets, knockout gas, jump lines (both automatic and manual), first aid kit, and a mini-saw.

Boots: Like the gauntlets, his boots carry equipment vital for a night's heroics. Located here are flares, rebreather, portable computer, and other pieces of equipment (depending on his needs). All this, in only 7 compartments, per boot.

Automatic Swing Lines: These swing lines are located on the underside of his forearm, with their access port located at the base of his palm. To activate these lines, pressure is applied to the outside of the forearm (the blue section), which then triggers the lines firing mechanism. To round out this system, a 4-prong grapple is attached to the end, rather than a Nightarang.

The Suit: Made of bullet proof Kevlar, his padded disguise is electrically insulated, as well as being light-adaptive. As a security measure, the suit emits a substantial electrical change, when one attempts to tamper with either the boots, gauntlets, or both. And yes, the glide wings under his arms are gone.